#5: Furious Vengefly
Personally, I just find this enemy very annoying. It swarms at you and shrieks loudly. And, as if that wasn’t enough, its corpse explodes after its dead. Great.
#4: Fool Eater
These guys are also pretty annoying. They look like grass (which is common in Greenpath) until you walk up to them. Then they pop out of the ground like “Hey fricker, you’re gonna die now!” and attempt to eat you. The Hunter’s Journal entry for them doesn’t help much either: “You really would have to be a fool to be tricked by a plant.” Thanks a lot, Hunter.
#3: Great Hopper
Great Hoppers are like regular Hoppers except great. Which apparently means annoying as frick. Their hopping patterns are much harder to trace, and they are much larger. Which means, guess what: bigger hurtboxes! My favorite!
#2: Watcher Knights
I doubt this comes as a big surprise. Besides Nightmare King Grimm, Absolute Radiance, and the Pure Vessel, they are SUPER hard. Even one of them is tough, and guess what: you fight SIX of them! In pairs! Lord have mercy upon us!
#1: Primal Aspid
I doubt this comes as a big surprise either. The Primal Aspids are like the banes of anyone’s Steel Soul run. There should be an achievement for killing five at a time and not taking any hits. A platinum trophy. They’re that tough (still not as tough as Watcher Knights, though).
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