Review #1: Space Funeral
Greetings! I’m back, and I’m doing my first review, this time of Space Funeral for the PC!
Space Funeral is an RPG made in RPGMaker 2003 created by Thecatamites and released in 2010.
Space Funeral follows a boy named Phillip as he explores the land of Space Funeral, along with his companion Leg Horse. They attempt to stop the evil Moon, and stop the evil corruption of the world.
The plot is very simple, but effective. There are some plot threads such as the Errors that were left ambiguous, but I think it works in the game’s favor.
Space Funeral is an RPG. Not much to say, otherwise. There’s a mystery skill I didn’t use much which yields random results, either good or bad. Sadly, not much you can do with RPGMaker.
Space Funeral has incredibly funny dialogue, though Phillip is completely silent. Some of the best exchanges come from just talking to the townspeople. A few gems from across the game include:
“Welcome to Malice! We have many goods and criminals!” - Townsperson
“Heh. Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven... motherfricker!” - Moon
“I like to drink blood... and smoke the weed!” - Dracula
Space Funeral is an amazingly fun, yet amazingly short game. I highly recommend it.
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