Review #8: Super Meat Boy

 Super Meat Boy is a very hard platformer made by Edmund McMillen (which readers of this blog should know I am a huge fan of), and this is one of my favorite games made by him. I shall now review it.

This game starts with Meat Boy and Bandage Girl being happy, until the evil Dr. Fetus beats up Meat Boy and kidnaps Bandage Girl. So now you have to go get her, or whatever.

The real meat of the game is the fantastic gameplay, however. Meat Boy can run, jump, and that’s about it, but the amount of fun they squeezed out of this simple moveset is astonishing. The levels are all diverse and unique, and they’re also super short, which I quite like. As in, the levels are all one screen long. It’s pretty neat. The game is also tough as nails, like holy crap it’s hard. Especially in the bonus world The Cotton Alley, which I still haven’t beaten.

There’s also boss battles, which are pretty eh to me. They’re fine, I guess, but nothing too amazing. They pretty much just entail running around and doing certain things (great explanation, I know). My least favorite part of the entire game is probably Little Horn, boss of chapter 4, as he’s only beatable if you’ve got either insane pattern recognition skills, or you look it up. Or you spend 5 hours learning his moveset. Your choice.

I know this was a pretty short review, but I really don’t have much else to say. I just really like this game and I think you should play it!


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