Walkthrough #5: Anodyne
Here's a walkthrough for an actually good game, you can get it on Steam for like $10! Also, this guide right here (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=145392511) heavily helped with finding the secrets, so check it out if you want an encyclopedia of hidden content for Anodyne!
When able to move, step on the teleporter. Head north. Enable both computer screens, head north, and enter the teleporter to go to the Nexus. Once inside, head north, chat with the Sage a little bit, and save at the checkpoint. From now on, I won't note when to save at one, but just keep as a general rule to use one when possible. Head west and teleport to the Roadway. Once inside, head north, east, east. Push the button and head east. Open the chest for the BROOM, your weapon in this game. You'll get various upgrades for this weapon, but this is the only weapon you'll have for the game. Kill the enemies and head west, west, west, west. Kill the enemies, open the chest for a key, head west, and open the lock. Head north, kill the slime, and head north, north, north, east, east. Step on the teleporter to get transported to the Blue Forest.
Head north, west, west, east (in the lower passage), south, south, south. Open the chest for the EDWARD card. Head north, north, west, east (in the upper passage), east, east, east, south, east, north, north, north. Chat with the sage and enter the temple dungeon.
Head west, west, and open the chest for a key. Head east, east, north, north (block the shooting machines by picking up dust and placing it in front of them), kill the enemies, west, west, kill the enemies, south, kill the enemies, east, and open the chest for a key. Head west, north, north. Get one of the enemies to push a button and then stand on the other button to open the gate. Head east, east, and push the button to open the gates. Head south, east, kill the enemies, south, west, and open the chest for the RED SLIME card. Head east, north, unlock the gate, north, kill the enemies, west, kill the slime, east, south, west, north, kill the enemies, north.
This fight is pretty easy, just run up and spam attacks. You should be able to tank long enough to survive.
Get the health upgrade. Head east, chat with the sage, grab the GREEN KEY, and open the chest for the SEER card. Head east for a Nexus Point. Head west, west, south, west, unlock the gate, north. Kill the enemies and open the chest for SHIELDY card. Head south, east, south, south, south, south. Leave the Temple Dungeon. Head east for a Nexus Point. Head west, south, south, west, north, west, west. Open the gate. Head north, kill the enemies, north, kill the enemies, north, kill the enemies, north, east, south, kill the enemies, south, and take the HEALTH UPGRADE. Go south, kill the enemies, west, south, south, south, and open the gate. Go south.
Go south, south, west, and talk to Miao the cat. They'll follow you for a while. Go east, east, and activate the Nexus Point. Teleport to the Nexus, push the button, and go back to the Lake. Head west, west, get Miao again, then east, east, east, north, and talk to the Goldman. Open the box. Head east, east, north, west, north, east, east, and enter the cave. Put all of the dust in the hole and open the chest to get the GOLDMAN card. Teleport to the Nexus and teleport back to the Lake. Head east, south, and talk to Finty twice. He'll give you biking shoes. Head west, west, and give Mitra the biking shoes to receive the JUMP BOOTS, which let you jump. Head south and put dust on the river to ride on it. Ride east, east, get off the dust, and south. Jump over the spikes and use the dust to go west, south, west, west, south, south, east, north, north, east, press the button, and head south on the dust. Go north through the eastern exit, then east, south, south, south, west, kill the enemy, and open the chest for the MIAO THE CAT card. Head south on dust, then east, east, west through the lower path, head west on dust, west, west, west, north, east, and push the button. Now go west, south, west, west, north, north, north, north, east. Kill the enemies and head east, south, west, and kill the slime. Now head east, north, west, south, and kill the enemies. Head south, south, kill the frog, then head back north, east, and open the chest for the MITRA card (long way to get a single card, huh?). Return to the Nexus and teleport back to the Lake. Head west, south, south, west, west, west, and west to enter the Beach.
Head south, west, north, west, west, and activate the Nexus Point. Head west, north, east, west on the north exit, west, west, west, and south. Now go south, east, and open the chest for the FISHERMAN card. Go west, west, south, west, west, south, north on the left side, and open the gate. Head north, north, north, east, east, south, west, and get the HEALTH UPGRADE. Now go east through the lower exit, push the button, south, east, east, north, push the button, go east, east, east, south. Attack the fisherman twice and jump into the whirlpool.
Head south, west, north, west, west through the lower passage, south, east, south, push the button, east, east, and activate the Nexus Point. Head west, west, west, south, east, north, east, and open the chest for RED WALKER card. Walk south and push the button. Head north on the left side and east. Now go south, south, and enter the dungeon.
Head north. Kill the enemy by luring it into the water jet, then go north. Get the enemy to step on a button and then step on the other to open one gate, then kill the enemy with the water to open another. Go west and kill the enemies, then go west again. Head north and stab the worm at its end to open more dungeon entrances, then kill the reaper to open the gate. Head east, kill the reaper to open the gate, then go east again. Open the chest for a key. Now go west, west, south, east, east to get back to the entrance. Head east, east, north, free the worm, west, west, then open the chest for a key. Teleport to the entrance (through the map part of the menu), head north, north, north, west, east, and unlock the gates to open a chest for MOVER card. Return to the entrance and head south. Go east and enter the dungeon. Go north, west, kill the reaper, north, kill the enemies, north, lure the mover onto the button and press the other, east, kill the reaper, and open the chest for a key. Retrace your steps back to the entrance, then head east, north, north, kill the reaper, and open the chest for a key. Return to the entrance (don't teleport, as it moves you to another section of the dungeon). Unlock the gates, head north, and free the worm. Head south, south, south to exit the dungeon. Go west, west and enter the section of the dungeon. Head north, west, kill the mover, north, north, east, west, push the button, and open the chest for a key. Head back to the entrance. Go east, kill the mover, north, get the mover to press the button, north, west, and open the chest for a key. Return to the entrance and open the gate, then go north. Open the other gate and free the worm. Go south, south, south. Head east and north, then enter the next portion of the dungeon. Head west, west, west, kill the reaper, and open the chest for a SLASHER card (guess the reapers are called slashers). Go back to the entrance and head east, east.
This guy's definitely harder than the first boss, but if you're at at least half health, you can kill him easily if you attack carefully. Otherwise, I recommend just dying to get back to it with full health.
Grab the HEALTH UPGRADE, head south, open the chest for ROGUE card, and take the RED KEY. Go south and activate the Nexus Point. Teleport to the entrance (from the menu) and go south. Head north, north, west, west, west, south, south, east, south, east, east. Push the button and enter the final section of the dungeon. Head east, east, and open the chest for BROOM WIDEN upgrade. You'll get a few of these upgrades throughout the game and you can only equip one at a time. Teleport back to the entrance, head south, and teleport to the Lake. In the Lake, head east, north, east, south, south, and push the button. Now go north, east, south, and push the button. Go north, south through the left passage, east, east.
Go east, south, south, south, and activate the Nexus Point. In the Nexus, go south and push the button, then teleport back to the Green Forest. Head south, east, east, north, north, north, north, north, and open the chest for MUSHROOM card. Return to the Nexus and teleport back to Green Forest. Head south, east, east, east, east.
Head east, north, east, west through the top passage, north, east, and enter the cave.
Head east, east (you only activate the moving blocks if you jump on them, and you can recharge them with dust), push the buttons, east, north, kill the wolf, and open the chest for BROOM EXTEND. Now retrace your steps back to the start of the dungeon and leave. Head east and activate the Nexus Point. Head south, east, and enter the cave. Head north, north, west, north, kill the frogs, north, kill the enemies, and open the chest for a key. Return to the entrance, go north, north, west, south, east, and open the chest for a key. Now go west, west, south, west, north, press the buttons, north, east, and kill the enemies. Go north, north, east, north, east, kill the enemies, and open the chest for a key. Go south and push the button. Now go north, west, south, west, south, west, hit the buttons, north, open the gate, east, north, east, and open the chest for FROG card. Now hop down, east, south, and enter the doorway after unlocking the gate. Now enter the upper door, kill the frogs, and head north. Go north, open the gate, north, east, east, south, south, push the button, south, west, west, north, now leave and re-enter the lower part of the dungeon. Go south, south, east, south, east, north, north, and open the chest for a key. Push the button and go back to the upper part of the dungeon. Go north, unlock the gate, east, kill the enemies, south. Open the chest for PERSON card, hit the button, west. Now go south, east, east, north, and jump down the hole. Push the button and go north.
This boss looks a lot more intimidating than it actually is. You can only attack it while all of its teeth are showing, but its attacks are really easy to dodge and it doesn't have much health.
Grab the HEALTH UPGRADE and head north. Chat with the Sage, get the BLUE KEY, and open the chest for WALL card. Head north and activate the Nexus Point. Return to the Nexus and teleport to the Lake. Go south, east, east, north, east, east, west on the lower path, west, south, east, south on the left side, east, south, south, south, east, and east.
Open the gate, head north, activate the Nexus Point, open the gate, north, and open the gate. Climb to the top of the windmill and activate it. Now climb back down and open the chest for WINDMILL card. Return to the Nexus and teleport to the Temple Dungeon. Go east and jump over the holes (not intended but very useful). Open the chests for a key and PEW PEW card. Go west, south, south, south, south. Once outside, go east, south, south, east, north, south, east, south, kill the enemies, west, north, west, south, west, west, north, east at the top, north, west. Open the chest for ANNOYER card. Teleport to the Temple Dungeon and go south until you're outside. Go east, east, east, south, east.
Go south, east, east, south, south. Activate the Nexus Point. Now go east, east. Unlock the gate and head, through the maze, west, north, east, west on the bottom, east on the top, and grab the HEALTH UPGRADE. Return to the Nexus and teleport back to Black and White Town. Now go east and talk to the man in front of the house. Now go around and kill the townspeople until he lets you enter. Now enter the house and go east. Open the chest for SUBURBANITE'S CORPSE card. Return to the Nexus and teleport back to Black and White Town. Now head north until you can't anymore, then east, north.
Go north and activate the Nexus Point. Now go north once again, after solving an extremely easy puzzle (hint: use Broom Widen). In this room, get the silverfish to help push all the buttons, then kill them to open the gates. Go west, north, kill the enemies, north on the right side, east, push the button to open the gate, east, and get the rat to push the buttons with the crystals. Now go west, south, south, east, east, north, north. Open the chest for a key. Go south, south on the right side, south, kill the enemies, south, and open the chest for SILVERFISH card. Now return to the entrance from the menu. Go north, north, west, north, north on the left side, east, east, hit the crystal, west, west, west, south, get the rat to push the button with dust (the puzzle is really easy), south, open the chest for a key, hop down, east, north, north on the left side, east, east, hit the crystal, west, west, west, east on the top side, kill the gasguy, east, north, unlock the gate, west. Kill the enemies with the help of the crystals, then go up the stairs. Now go south, kill the enemies, west, kill the enemies, north, kill the enemies, go up the stairs, and open the chest for GASGUY card. Return to the entrance and go north, north, west, north, north, east, east, north, and go up the stairs. Go west on the top path, get the rat to push the button with the crystal, south, get the get the silverfish to push the button, west, kill the enemies and push the button, west, south, and open the lock. Now go north, east, north, unlock the gate, go down the stairs, push the buttons, then go back up. Now go west, west, get the rat to help you push the buttons, south. Get through the simple maze and go west, north, north, east, get the silverfish to help you push the buttons, north, kill the enemies, east, kill the enemies, and open the chest for a key. Now go west, south, east, chase the silverfish into helping you push the buttons, unlock the gate, east, north.
This boss is pretty easy if you equip Broom Extend and just tank the hits, so just do that and you'll win easily.
Grab the HEALTH UPGRADE and go south from the right exit. Go east and open the chest for WATCHER card. You're done here, so return to the entrance, go south, return to the Nexus, and teleport to the Lake. Go west, south, south, west, open the gate, north, west, north, west, north, west, north, north. Activate the Nexus Point and go east, east, north, north. Open the chest for SAGE card. Now return to the Nexus and teleport to the Red Cave Dungeon. Go south.
--8-BIT MAZE--
Go east, east, east, east, east, east. Unlock the gate and west on the upper path, north, east, north, north, south on the left side, south, and grab the HEALTH UPGRADE. Now return to the Nexus and teleport to the Red Cave Dungeon. Go south. Now go north, east on the lower path, south, east, north, east, north, south on the right side, south, east, north, east, north, north, north, west, west. Activate the Nexus Point. Now go east on the upper path, north, east, north, east, east, north, north. Activate the Nexus Point and go south, west, west, west, west on the lower path, east on the lower path, south, east, west on the lower path, east on the lower path, south, west, north, west, west, east on the upper path, north, west, west on the middle path, south, north, west, and open the chest for CHASER card. Now return to the Nexus and teleport to the Acrobats Dungeon.
Go west, north, east, east, east, east, east, south on the right side, north on the left side, north, west on the middle side, south, north on the left side, east, west on the bottom side, press the button, hit the crystal, east, north. In this room place dust directly under the acrobat. Now go west and open the chest for a key. Return to the entrance and go west, north, north, north, and kill the flowers. Now go back to the entrance. Go north, then unlock the gate and go north, kill the slime, north, kill the lion, north, west, south, south, and open the chest for FLAME PILLAR card. Return to the entrance, west, north, west on the upper path, west, kill the slimes, north (if a crystal blocks the door go back and hit it), north, kill the enemies, east, kill the enemies, south, push the button, kill the frogs, north, north, west, kill the bats, north, kill the contorts, and open the chest for CONTORTS card. Return to the entrance. Go north, north, north, north, east, east, kill the bats, north, east, north, kill the lions, and open the chest for a key. Return to the entrance. Go north, north, north, north, unlock the gate, north, west, kill the contorts, west, west, north, kill the lions, and open the chest for a key. Go south, east, east, unlock the gate, north, east, kill the lion, north, kill the contorts, north, kill the wolf, west, west on the lower path, south, south, east, push the button, north.
This fight seemed hard, but the duo have a very low health pool, so just tank through them.
Grab the HEALTH UPGRADE and go north, down the stairs, south, northwest, west. Open the chest for ARTHUR AND JAVIERA card. Return up the stairs, then go south, south, south, south, south, south, south, west, west, west, west, north, east, east. Get the rat to push the button, then go north, push the buttons, and open the chest for a key. Return to the entrance. Go north until you can't anymore, then go south, south, west, north, north, east, unlock the gate, northwest, push the button, south, kill the enemies, south, kill the contorts, and open the chest for LION card. Now return to the entrance, go south, return to the Nexus, and teleport to the Cliffs Dungeon. Go north, south, east, north, east, north, north, north, west, west, and open the chest for DOG card. Teleport back to the Cliffs Dungeon and go north, south, east, north, east, go down the second to eastmost ladder, south, west, west, kill the enemies, west, kill the enemies, west, west, and open the chest for ROCK card. Teleport to Cliffs Dungeon and go north, south, east, north, east, and go north until you can't anymore, then go east twice.
Go east, north, and activate the Nexus Point. Go west until you can't anymore, then go north twice. Open the chest for BLUE CUBE KING card. Teleport to Space and go east as far as possible, then north, west, north, and open the chest for ORANGE CUBE KING card. Teleport to Space, then go north three times.
Go west three times and go down the stairs. Go south, south, east, north, west, west, kill the slimes, south on the right side, push the button, north, southwest, southwest, push the button, north, southeast, east, push the button, and activate the Nexus Point. Now go north, northeast, north, southeast, southeast, east, kill the slimes, north, kill the wolf, north, and open the chest for a key. Now go south, south, northwest, north, northeast, southwest, west, south, unlock the gate, east, south, west, west, southeast, southeast, and open the chest for DUSTMAID card. Now go north, west, and go to floor 3. Go northwest, north, north, southeast, south, east, push both buttons at the same time (don't worry, it's not hard," and open the chest for a key. Now go west, south, east, kill the gasguy, open the chest for a key, west, northwest, north, unlock the gate, west, north, and open the chest for DASHER card. Go south, east, north, southeast, unlock the gate, east, north, and go down the stairs. Go south, southwest, south, west, northeast, and open the chests for two keys. Go southwest and press the button. Now go north, north, north, west, southwest, south, west, north, and push the button. Go back to the crossroads area and go northwest, south, south, south, kill the flowers, and open the chest for a key. Return to the crossroads and go east, east, and down the stairs. Unlock the gate and go south, press the button, west, south, east, kill the flowers, south, kill the wolf, west, kill the slime, and take the elevator to floor 3. Go northwest and unlock the gate, west, south, and go down the stairs. Go north, north, north, east, south, south, southeast, east, go north twice (taking dust with you), southeast, south, south, and open the chest for BURST PLANT card. Now make your way back to this floor's elevator and go north all the way, east, and down the stairs. Go west, west, west, south, south, hit the button, east, unlock the gate, north, kill the enemies, and open the chest for a key. Now go south, south, east, and push the button. Now go south.
Pretty easy boss, just attack and try to dodge their attacks. Go south after the fight for phase 2, which is equally easy.
Grab the HEALTH UPGRADE and go south. Open the chest for MANAGER card. Return to the entrance, go back to Space, and teleport to the Terminal (place where you got Sage card).
Unlock the gate and go north.
Pretty easy boss fight, not many tips I can offer here.
After the fight, go north, north, north, north, north. Open the chest for BROOM SWAP upgrade. Activate the Nexus Point and go north. Switch to swap and solve the puzzle (solution: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=145392511 at 9.). Now go north, east, east, east. Activate the Nexus Point and go south, east, south, west, south, push the button, east, push the button, south, west, southeast, push the button, east, push the buttons, north, north, east, push the buttons, east, north, north, west, south, west, north, west, west, and try to push the buttons. Mitra will show up to help! Now go west, west, west. Read through the cutscene and go west, west, west, south, west, west, west. Activate the Nexus Point and go west, north, north, kill the bats, east, kill the enemies, east, kill the contorts, east, kill the enemies, south, kill the enemies, west, kill the enemies, west, kill the reapers, southeast, east, east. Push the button and get back to the room the lion and the gate you just opened are in. Once there, go east, push the button, east, east, east. Now go north.
Here's the final boss (though you're not done with the game yet). His fight is pretty complex, so I'll just link a video showing how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huHrIKeDpxk.
Now reload your save. You can now use the swap tool much more effectively.
Teleport to the Blue Forest. Go west, south, south, west, north, west, west, west, north, north, north, northeast, and swap north, north, north, east, and enter the dungeon. Once inside, swap north, swap north, and enter the portal. Go north, north, north, east, and enter the right teleporter. Go east, east, east, north, north, north, west, west through the black boxes, and open the chest for YOUNG card. Retrace your steps all the way back to the teleporter, re-enter it, and go through the left teleporter this time. Go south, east, east, east. Open the chest for CARVED STONE card. Teleport to the Hotel Dungeon.
Go north until you can climb up the stairs. Go east until you can't anymore, then swap east, east, kill the enemies, and open the chest for CITY MAN card. Go back to Space and teleport to the 8-Bit Maze.
Go west, west, north, and enter the portal. Go east until you reach a chest. Open it to get TORCHLIGHT card. Teleport to Space.
Go south, south, swap south, and get through both paths to push buttons to unlock the path to the chest. Once you reach it, open the chest for ENTITIES card. After that, teleport to Black and White Town.
Go south and swap south. Get through the enemy gauntlets and open the chest for EVIL SUBURBANITE card. Now teleport to the Windmill.
Go north and swap east. Climb up the other windmill to enter a new area. Inside, go east, north, north, north, then enter the teleport. Go east and open the chest for BROOM card. Now teleport to the Lake.
Go south, south, east, east, south, south, south, south, south, east, east, north, east, and open the chest for RANK card. Teleport to the Roadway.
Swap south using the walls (you can't swap the cast iron) and open the chest for FOLLOWER card. Teleport to the Red Sea.
Go south, south, south, west, get to the lower part of the screen with swap, southwest, west, south, and open the chest for DEPRESSED MUSHROOM card. Teleport to the Windmill.
Get back to the place where you got the Broom card. Now go north, push the button, and enter the teleporter. Go south, west, south, east, push the button, south, east, south, west, south. Unlock the gate and enter the teleporter. Go east, east, north, and enter the teleporter. Go west and enter the teleporter. You're now in a debug area! Go east, north, west, west, west, south, south, east, east, kill the bats, east, east, and open the chest for GREEN MAN card.
Congrats! You've now 100%ed Anodyne. There's some more bonus content, but it's not necessary to get any achievements, and there's guides for those on the wiki. Thanks for using this walkthrough!
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