Review #12: Space Funeral The Legend of Earth Birth
Space Funeral is a great game. You’d probably know that if you’ve read any of my articles at all, as I never shut up about it. You’d also know there are numerous fanmade sequels, as I never shut up about them. The first of them is Space Funeral 2, but it’s really short and not very interesting so I’m not talking about it. But after that, DuckStapler released Space Funeral: The Legend of Earth Birth, which is what I’m reviewing today.
So the plot of this game is pretty simple: Phillip and Leg Horse were transported to the land of Earth Birth to rid it of science and restore blind faith. Simple. I’m just gonna assume you’ve played or at least understand the plot of the original for this review by the way. So most of the game is spent wandering through Earth Birth fighting weird crap and talking to various people on a quest to reach Science’s lair. The plot develops a bit as it goes along, but that’s the gist of it. It’s a Space Funeral game, so I’m not planning to spend much time on the deep lore.
Shockingly, the combat is not all too engaging. The enemy sprites and designs are great as always, and the mystery text is still hilarious, but they’re still very easy and simple to beat. Pretty much no fights in this game require any effort, but I imagine that’s intentional. I don’t know who plays Space Funeral for the combat. The real meat of the game comes in its presentation and writing. It reuses quite a few sprites from the original, but has many more new ones as well, which fit flawlessly with the old ones. If I didn’t know better, I’d assume they WERE the old ones. And unshockingly, the writing in this game is fantastic. I’d go as far as to say it’s significantly funnier than the original, which is all it’s really trying to be. Nothing in the game takes itself seriously, which I absolutely love about it.
I’m honestly not gonna spoil much else about this game, it’s just great. I’d say it’s even better than the original in some aspects, which I’m sure I’ll get some hate for it, but eh, that’s nothing new. So go play this game, and I’ll see you later. Bye.
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